The Magic of Business Meetups

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Why Business Meetups in Springfield, MO are a Must-Attend

Expanding Horizons

Business meetups aren’t just about collecting business cards; they’re about expanding your horizons. Springfield, MO has a thriving tech scene and a booming food industry. Mixing with a variety of professionals can provide you with insights into these sectors you’d never imagine! Besides, business meetups are a fantastic place to brainstorm ideas and explore new perspectives.

Unlocking Opportunities

The saying “Your network is your net worth” couldn’t be truer. Making the right connections can lead you to new career paths, partnerships, and opportunities for growth that you wouldn’t find through a simple Google search. Plus, the local nature of Springfield, MO means you’re likely to bump into your new connections again, fostering stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Why Business Meetups Benefit Employers

Employers can also greatly benefit from participating in or hosting business meetups. These events allow companies to showcase their organizational culture and tap into a pool of potential candidates. It’s also an excellent way for employers to keep a finger on the pulse of the industry, understand what competitors are doing, and stay ahead of market trends.

Step 1: Prepping the Perfect Blueprint

Setting KPIs

When planning your Springfield, MO business meetup, set clear KPIs. Whether it’s the number of attendees, social media mentions, or post-event surveys, you want to know what success looks like. Measure these through various tools and analytics platforms to understand your event’s impact better.

Setting the Tone

The first impression is everything! In a city with bustling entrepreneurs like Springfield, MO, your meetup needs to stand out. Whether it’s a catchy name, interactive badges, or a fun entry ritual, do something unique.

Bringing in Sponsorships

In Springfield, MO, local businesses often look for opportunities to sponsor events and get some publicity. Reach out to potential sponsors who share a similar audience. Not only can sponsors provide financial relief, but they can also offer valuable resources like speakers, venues, or promotional platforms.

Step 2: Venue Vibes in Springfield, MO

Consider Local Partnerships

Springfield, MO has a plethora of local businesses that might be willing to partner up for an event. From co-working spaces to cafes, consider collaborating with them. They get promotion, and you get a venue—win-win!

Seasonal Factors

Springfield, MO experiences four distinct seasons, each offering different challenges and opportunities for venues. Be sure to consider the time of the year when picking a location.

Aesthetic and Theme

The venue should not just be a place; it should fit the mood you want to set for your event. Look for spaces that align with your theme, whether it’s a high-tech startup vibe or a more relaxed, networking atmosphere. The better the venue fits the mood, the more memorable your event will be.

Step 3: The Guest List Game

Local Influencers

Springfield, MO is home to several local influencers, industry experts, and community leaders. Inviting them not only elevates the profile of your event but also attracts more attendees.

Industry-Specific Nights

Consider hosting industry-specific nights. This not only diversifies your audience but also gives you credibility within various sectors in Springfield, MO.

The Art of the Follow-Up

Don’t just send out an invitation and forget about it. A follow-up can be crucial in nudging those who are on the fence about attending. Remind them why your event is unmissable and what unique opportunities it offers.

Step 4: Speaker Smarts

Local Talent Pool

Don’t overlook the local talent pool in Springfield, MO. Local speakers can often bring in a larger audience because they’re familiar faces. Plus, their insights are highly relevant to the Springfield, MO community.

Pre-Event Interviews

Conduct pre-event interviews with your speakers and post them on your Springfield, MO-focused social media channels. This can pique interest and give potential attendees a taste of what to expect.

Engage with Attendees

Make sure that your speaker is willing to engage with the audience, either through a Q&A session or by mingling with attendees after their talk. This adds an extra layer of value to your event and allows for more intimate networking opportunities.

Step 5: Mastering Marketing

Local Media Partners

Springfield, MO has some excellent local media outlets. Partnering with them could boost your event’s visibility substantially.

Community Boards

Post about your event on community boards in cafes, libraries, and online forums specific to Springfield, MO. A simple poster or a well-placed announcement can go a long way.

Social Media Advertising

Although organic reach is great, consider using paid social media advertising to reach a broader but still targeted audience. Platforms like Facebook offer very granular targeting options, which can be useful for a location-specific event in Springfield, MO.

Step 6: Delivering the Experience

Navigating Springfield, MO

Provide guides or maps that help out-of-town attendees navigate Springfield, MO. Point out local attractions and good dining spots, showing you care. And be sure to check out our monthly business mixer! It’s a great place to meet other like-minded professionals in the area!

Post-Event Networking

Encourage attendees to mingle at a local Springfield, MO spot afterward. Some venues offer post-event discounts, making your business meetup stand out.

Continued Engagement

Consider offering a mobile app or a digital platform where attendees can continue to network and access resources long after the event is over. This can be particularly impactful for turning a one-time event into a long-term community, especially in a community-focused city like Springfield, MO.

Final Thoughts: Your Springfield, MO Meetup Mastery

Continuing the Conversation

Create a Facebook or LinkedIn group specific to your Springfield, MO business meetups. This provides attendees with a space to continue the conversation, share resources, and maybe even collaborate on new projects.

Celebrate the Wins

Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Whether it’s a local trending hashtag in Springfield, MO or an unexpectedly high turnout, these small wins pave the way for future successes.

About We&Co Huddles

We&Co is a professional co-oping & professional networking business that was founded in Springfield, Missouri in 2020. While there are many professional networking groups in and around the United States, We&Co focuses on creating small industry-specific groups with five to ten professionals who all have the same target audience but offer different products and services.

In essence, professionals come to us when they want to save time while making more money. These industry-specific groups are essential pods of professionals surrounded by their ideal referral partners.

These small groups of referral partners (called “Huddles) meet up twice a month for an hour and talk strategy on how to become that one-stop-shop for their clients. If you are a professional who is interested in joining or launching your own We&Co co-op (or “Huddle” as we like to call them), feel free to email us here and remember to sign up for a FREE 14-day trial (no credit card details needed).

Want to become a We&Co member?  Or, would you like to start We&Co in your area and become a resource for your local business community?  Shoot us an email and let's get this convo started!